Curriculum-Gallery (ID 1003)
Writing Curriculum
Teaching Safeguarding through English
At Wellow, through our curriculum we support children to…
- reflect on human activity through social stories and stories with morals
- write about real life scenarios in an appropriate way
- be able to voice an opinion in a coherent and confidential way
- express opinions and views with respect whilst appreciating that others may have different ideas and perceptions
- engage in formal debate, listen to others and respond critically with care and sensitivity
- use characters to relate to real life and people/personality traits and help to step into someone else’s shoes
Curiosity, Innovation, Excellence and Respect in Maths
Teaching Safeguarding through Maths
At Wellow through our curriculum we support children to…
- use equipment safely e.g. compass
- solve problems through enquiry
- help other children who are struggling sensitively
- use different representations to solve the problem
- understand that it is positive to make mistakes and learn from them
- develop resilience to keep trying and applying knowledge through practise
- increase their own self esteem by not comparing themselves to others but trying to achieve a personal best
Science Curriculum Coverage KS1
Science Curriculum Coverage Year 3/4
Science Curriculum Coverage Y5/6
Curiosity, Innovation, Excellence and Respect in Science
Teaching Safeguarding through Science
At Wellow, through our curriculum we support children to…
- make informed choices and decisions to using given information and also through observations
- understand that sexual behaviour can have a reproductive purpose
- develop confidence to express and voice their own ideas
- listen, respect and reflect on other people’s views and findings
- understand that science should be undertaken in safe way, both practically and emotionally. Using tools and apparatus
- that when making decisions try to change in one variable at a time, making links between ideas and learn from it
- predict risk and make adaptations
- value personal hygiene and recognise the importance of personal space
- form effective and sensitive questions
- work in diverse groups and partnerships, accepting children with specific needs
- be aware of religious beliefs and show empathy for these
- adopt different role within a group and challenge stereotypes
Art and Design
Art and Design
Teaching Safeguarding through Art
At Wellow, through our curriculum we support children to…
- understand that all art should be respected and valued
- that everyone can be an artist, everyone has a different opinion of what is ‘good art’
- accept that the outcome might not be as expected and to
maintain a positive mind-set - celebrating success with positive praise
- to reflect and making choices including accepting reflections from others
- accept and recognise the differences of the human form and viewing life drawing with respect
Design and Technology
Design and Technology
Design Technology Whole School Overview
Design Technology Curriculum Coverage KS1
Design Technology Curriculum Coverage KS2
Curiosity, Innovation, Excellence and Respect in DT
Teaching Safeguarding through Design & Technology
At Wellow, through our curriculum we support children to…
- to gain and understanding of the touch and feel of certain materials
- accept when something goes wrong or doesn’t turn out as expected
- celebrate the success of others to give encouragement and boost self-esteem
- choose materials safely including things like no sharp edges etc.
- use tools and resources that are appropriate for a task
- work inclusively with all children who may have different needs
- express opinions, giving and receiving constructive feedback
- work safely when managing food intolerances
- develop tenacity to innovative and be creative in their thinking
Primary Languages
Primary Languages
Curiosity, Innovation, Excellence and Respect in Languages
Teaching Safeguarding through Modern languages
At Wellow, through our curriculum we support children to…
- experience a positive and supportive environment to practice a foreign language
- develop communication skills so that you can make yourself understood
- develop inter-cultural understanding and acceptance
- recognise and focus on similarities not just differences
- develop a tolerance of differences
- read body language and facial expressions to develop empathy
- develop respect in recognising that not everybody speaks English
- be aware of those who have speech and hearing problems
Geography Whole School Overview
Geography Curriculum Coverage KS1
Geography Curriculum Coverage KS2
Curiosity, Innovation, Excellence and Respect in Geography.
Teaching Safeguarding through Geography
At Wellow through our curriculum we support children to…
- develop a sense of responsibility and understand the impact of humans on the environment for example climate change, litter
- recognise the risks associated with some aspects of the physical environment and responding to those risks
- tackle stereo types, listen to the views of others and recognise how different cultures interact with the world
- be able to plan a course safely using maps and compasses, knowing how to get to a destination safely
- develop an awareness of the natural world as an antidote to the digital world, being observant and mindful in the outdoors
History Curriculum Coverage KS1
History Curriculum Coverage KS2
Curiosity, Innovation, Excellence & Respect in History
Teaching Safeguarding through History
At Wellow, through our curriculum we support children to…
- raise questions and create a hypothesis (reasoning)
- be prepared to change an opinion or belief
- understand the difference between fact and opinion
- appreciate the effect that actions can have on others (consequence) and learn from problems in the past
- show respect when working with artefacts and pose good questions to deepen understanding
- show empathy and respect for differences in other cultures and different generations
- understand that learning from the past is deepened by reflecting on the present and this can always change
Computing Whole School Overview
Curiosity, Innovation, Excellence and Respect in Computing
Teaching Safeguarding through Computing
At Wellow, through our curriculum we support children to…
- model expectations and responses to information
- predict risks and take appropriate action to keep yourself safe online
- take responsibility for what you say and do - links to social media
- respect other people’s experiences, thoughts and be prepare to reflect and challenge appropriately
- develop a healthy digital attitude, recognising the impact of excessive use on mental and physical wellbeing
- follow a set of instructions and reflect on the effectiveness of those choices
Music Curriculum Whole School Overview
Curiosity, Innovation, Excellence and Respect in Music
Teaching Safeguarding through Music
At Wellow through our curriculum we support children to…
- develop a cultural awareness
- accepting and respecting different preferences in music
- recognise that music can generate emotions in selves and others
- be a respectful audience for example at rocksteady concerts i.e. not chanting one name and why
- give and receiving constructive criticism
- share instruments and taking turns
- understand that some people are more sensitive to sound than others
Physical Education
Physical Education
Teaching Safeguarding through Physical Education
At Wellow through our curriculum we support children to…
- understand the importance of keeping healthy/well-being/physically and mentally
- recognise that everyone is different and the importance of developing a positive body image
- move safely and apply skills in a physical space with an awareness of others
- show respect to all referees and judges and staff who are making decisions based on their observations and knowledge
- set personal goals and encourage others to achieve theirs
- work in teams and encourage others to play a positive role in games physical challenges
- select team members fairly and be inclusive to everyone
- develop positive self-care and organisational skills
- manage emotions including anger and disappointment when not being able to win
Teaching Safeguarding through PSHE
At Wellow, through our curriculum we support children to…
- manage friendships including how to manage social situations like playtime, conflict, difference of opinion
- develop respect and trust through their behaviour and responses
- resist negative pressure from peers
- know how to keep themselves safe online and in the real world
- regulate their own behaviour and emotional responses
- know how to call the emergency services and the importance of doing so wisely and safely
- recognise who are trusted adults in times of need
- how to maintain positive emotional and physical health and hygiene
- become supportive peers and citizens who listen to others with respect and live comfortably with difference
- be respectful of money and recognise the value of a resource
- know when not to share personal information and how to respect the physical space of others
- understand how certain drugs can be dangerous and the difference with those that are prescribed but always acting with safety in this area
- understand that sex is an activity which takes place between consenting adults which may lead to reproduction
- recognise that families take many different forms
Religious Studies
Religious Studies
Curiosity, Innovation, Excellence and Respect in RE
Teaching Safeguarding through Religious Education
At Wellow, through our curriculum we support children to…
- develop objectivity when considering texts and stories
- recognise difference and diversity and learning from this
- develop knowledge of all religions that promote understanding and tolerance
- develop racial awareness and how to talk about it using acceptable language
- resist extremism and prevent radicalisation
- understand traditions, rituals and routines (respecting
- listen to RE stories and texts
- reflect on ethics/morals what is acceptable and not acceptable
- use discussion, debate, circle times (knowing it’s okay not to take part if it’s a sensitive issue) to develop tolerance and wider thinking
- challenge our own beliefs about what happens in the world not necessarily religious views
- think about what can be seen as right and wrong from different points of view