Wellow Primary School


Feedback from parents who used the recent May Half Term Club:

 My son loved his two days at holiday club, which were both forest school days. We’ll definitely sign him up again in future if this continues to be offered. I love the fact that they spent two days fully in nature. He came back filthy, tired and very happy! 

 They loved the day in the glade, and really enjoyed being with other children of all ages. Both came home exhausted and very happy.
It was such a help having somewhere local and familiar to send them during work hours, I hope you will continue this in the summer holidays. 

Both girls loved the forest school day. It was good to know they were in a familiar place, with adults they knew & they were very happy to stay all day. The drop off & pick up times worked well for me & the smaller group of 11 or so worked well I think. I would use it again in the Summer holidays if available.

My son loved it! Spent all day outside which is exactly what I wanted for him.

Holiday Childcare

This summer we will be offering a holiday club here at Wellow School., Monday to Thursday, for three weeks of the holidays.

Children from Reception to Year 6 are welcome to sign up and parents can book places via their Arbor school account.  Payment must be made at the time of booking or if you wish to pay via childcare vouchers then please contact the school office directly.

Each day will run from 8am - 5pm and will be run by school staff who children already know and are familiar with.  Children will need to bring a packed lunch with them, snacks and a water bottle.  Sun hats and sun cream or waterproof clothing will also be required, depending on the weather!

There will always be a variety of activities on offer throughout the day that children can choose to take part in but we aim to give a core offer each day too.

Week beginning  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
29th July Olympics 

Ready, Steady, Cook

(No need to bring lunch today - we'll be making it!)


(Face painting/circus skills)

5th August Forest School Forest School

Wonderful Wizards 

(Spells & potions/Quidditch)

Little Picassos 

(Painting/sculpting and design)

12th August Forest School Forest School

Ready, Steady, Cook

(No need to bring your lunch today - we'll be making it!)

Stars in your eyes 

(Unleash your inner pop star!)

 The cost for all children is £35, regardless of the time of arrival or departure.