Wellow Primary School


Year 5

English: Texts and outcomes

 Autumn 1


“Mission Control” is a thematic unit based around the subjects of Earth and beyond, with a key focus on science and history. We will learn about the Earth, Sun and Moon and their relationship to each other, before finding out more about space exploration and communication.

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Autumn Term 2

Pharaoh Queen is a competency-based thematic unit with a history focus, telling the inspirational story of Hatshepsut. She is famous for being only the third woman to become pharaoh in 3000 years of Ancient Egyptian history and the first to attain the full power of the position. We will learn, through her life story, all about her achievements and ongoing legacy

True Crime? The Pendle Witches is a history-based theme that develops skills in selecting, organising and understanding relevant historical information through an investigative approach. Pupils will learn about the importance of good evidence when investigating a historical event and use their skills in reading, interpreting and discussing evidence to put forward a verdict based on what we know today.



Spring Term 1


“Come Fly With Me! America’” is a thematic unit, based on North and Central America, with a key focus on geography and history.

 spring term 2

 "Go With The Flow" is a thematic unit based around life processes, with a key focus on science. We begin by looking at the changes that take place as humans develop to old age, recognising the impact of diet, exercise, drugs and lifestyle on the way our bodies function. We will also learn about the human circulatory system and the functions of the heart, blood vessels and blood. Finally, we will learn about the ways in which nutrients and water are transported within animals, including humans. 


Summer Term 1


“You’re Not Invited” is a thematic unit, based around invaders with a key focus on history. It begins by looking at the concept of invasion, before focusing especially on the Romans, learning about important Roman figures and their reasons for invading other countries.

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Summer Term 2


“Full of Beans” is a thematic unit, with a key focus on geography. It begins with pupils learning about different types of beans, how and where beans are grown and their nutritional value. They go on to look at beans as a source of energy, before moving on to learn about energy sources generally, both renewable and non-renewable. A business enterprise element enables pupils to create and sell bean smoothies