Year 6
English: Texts and outcomes
Autumn Term 1
“A World of Bright Ideas!” is a thematic unit which focuses on the creative process of invention and design, with a leaning towards history and design technology. Pupils will look at important inventions over time, before moving on to learning about more current issues such as patenting and copyright.
Autumn Term 2
“In Your Element” is a thematic unit based around the four elements of earth, air, water and fire with a key focus on geography. As well as extending our knowledge of rocks and soils, we will learn about natural phenomena such as earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis and tornados. We will also develop our knowledge of rivers and mountains, learning about some of the most important physical features of the UK and the wider world.
Fighting Footballer is a competency-based thematic unit with a history focus, telling the compelling story of Walter Tull. He was one of Britain’s first black footballers whose career was cut short by the First World War. During the war, however, he earned his commission as an officer in the British Army, the first black man to hold the title. The racial prejudice he faced both on the football field and in the army was significant but that never stopped him from displaying courage, commitment and care for his community.
Spring Term 1
“I Have a Dream...” is a thematic unit, based on issues of discrimination, particularly apartheid and anti-semitism, with a key subject focus on history. Pupils will learn about the factors that contribute towards discrimination and why different groups have been stereotyped and, as a result, persecuted.
spring term 2
'This unit involves the pupils identifying and choosing a famous person from the past who lives in their area. They will then focus on five key landmarks in their local village, town or city, undertaking research to find out important information about each one.
Summer Term 1
“Wars of the World” is a thematic unit, based on conflicts past and present, with a key focus on history and geography. Pupils will learn about the root causes of war and have an understanding of its impact, focusing on the two World Wars in particular. They will also learn about civil wars and pacifism.